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my Fit Wish List!

happy tuesday yallies!  this morning’s class was incredible. why? cause i was matching from head to toe and feeling like a BOSS (or BAWSE according to Sonny), that’s why! man. it’s something about new gym clothes, well, new clothes in general, that puts my confidence, motivation, and outlook about life on TEN.


big thanks to my hubby for always keeping me fly!


aren’t these gorgeous!?

couple things i love about these Nike Hyperfeels:

  • they are tongue-less so it feel like you’re putting on a sock-shoe. fits like a glove and conforms to your foot.

  • fantastic grip underneath. i did HIIT in the them this morning and they were perfect for all the plyometric and jumping drills.

  • bold, bright colors #skittlestatus and eye-catching patterns! i received so many compliments on these bad boys and haven’t even owned them for 24 hours yet.

  • super light, flexible, stylish, and unique!


these Hyperfeels give me all kinda feels when i put them on! and to think, i almost didn’t wear them this morning.  idk, i’m kinda weird about new stuff… i’ll let an item sit in the box or on the hanger for a bit before i actually sport it.  it’s like i need a moment to really own it or something.  Sonny plopped the box down on the bed last night as i was writing up my HIIT workout and i was ecstatic!  then i put them right back in the box and said ‘i need to break them in first so i don’t think i’ll wear them to teach in a few hours.’  which was followed by the biggest side-eye ever from Sonny.  needless to say, they are now broken in, haha.


i ate up the last of the Applegate Good Morning Bacon in my post workout  ‘BAE’ (bacon and egg whites) breakfast sammich! heading to the store for more asap and a few Insta followers highly recommended i try the turkey bacon so i will.  a few family members came to visit us over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend and they could not believe this bacon was 60% less fat than the cut we grew up eating (the pork belly) yet still had that same smokey, bacony taste and flavor!   the smallest changes really do count towards better nutrition over time, even if it starts with switching to a healthier bacon.  progress is progress.

i got a TON of stuff on my to-do list done today, whoop!  including hanging out with this butterball <3. i went grocery shopping yesterday and picked up some salmon that i grilled today for a few of my lunches. now, i hardly ever buy frozen salmon, but fresh in not on sale this week and i’m pretty tired of tilapia. and whiting. and swai. lol. it’s good to change things up often with both food and exercise to prevent burn out.

i know i just got one of my Christmas gifts early, but there’s more on my Fit Wish List:


1. Lululemon – everything in the store. everything.

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2. a pair of the most stylish workout gloves i’ve ever seen.


3. this Kate Spade customizable Weekender bag that i’d double as a gym bag #yep #surewould


4. a Vitamix blender. they are like the Mercedes -Benz of blenders with all these classes and types to choose from.


5. i’ve never owned a pair of ‘tennis shoes’ that i didn’t workout in. i’d love a pair of those cool, stylish, high tops all the cool fit girls are wearing.

how predictable of me. yo turn!

Q: what’s on your Fit Wish List?!


6 replies »

  1. I’m surprised my wish list is so short.

    1. New Kettlebell, it’s finally time for me to increase my weight (kb weight, that is).
    2. New pair of New Balance Minimus
    3.Short running shorts, that are not to short. Don’t want my bum hanging out, but still want the freedom of running shorts.


  2. Everything that is on yours! I love the gloves, high tops and KS bag! I also want the Nike Black with Chartreuse trim Nike workout top and pants. And an entry fee paid to a Half Marathon in Hawaii.


speak your mind!


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